Sunday, October 4, 2009

My first post...

Hi! My name is Jen. I teach social studies at the high school and this is my fourth year doing so. I am pretty comfortable with wiki and other Web 2.0 applications. I like that most of it has become so user friendly... no need for knowing html codes and other complicated tech items for creating straightforward wiki pages and such.

I have had a wiki for my classes for the past year or so, and I have found it to be a great tool for out of class student discussions, posting documents, and keeping an updated google calendar. I've been trying to teach myself new things, such as embedding different kinds of widgets that may be helpful and just taking advantage of new technologies in general... I hope to continue to improve my skills during this course. One thing that I have been wanting to learn how to do is have my students create podcasts. I'm looking forward to learning lots of skills that I can apply in the classroom during the rest of the course!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Jen. Good to see how experienced you are.

    I found this resource that list school podcasts by age appropriateness: Let us know what you think.

    Bob Sprankle is an expert voice on podcast creation and use for students and adults. Lucky for us, he had posted several presentations on podcasting presentation materials here: and the audio for several presentations here:

    I also found podcast presentations on

    "Publish your podcast in less than five minutes using 'Taking It Global'" Robert Karulas
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Check out his blog for some useful resources:

    "Film School For Video Podcasters" Mathew Needleman Los Angeles, California, USA, Blog:
