Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kiva Response

The key piece to all of these types of student projects is finding things that the students see as being meaningful. Whether it is Kiva or anything else it is all about student buy in. If the 21st century classroom is about creating communication and interaction opportunities with people outside the classroom. So if we are trying to find ways for students to be excited about the curriculum, continue to learn content, and engage with people all over the world there are lofty goals ahead of us. It also should be a goal for kids to begin to monitor each others content knowledge much like you see on wikipedia.

One of the great things about this Kiva project is the idea of global citizenship. This will hopefully allow students to see themselves as part of a global community and expand their universe of obligations.

1 comment:

  1. A nice mix of characteristics of the 21st century classroom from your perspective based on the KIVA post, Patrick.

    Thank you,

