Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Movie Trivia

1) What was the name of the bar Dalton worked for in the film "Roadhouse?"
2) What was the name of the necklace Rose wore in the movie "Titanic?"
3) The students featured in the film "21" were from what New England college?
4) What color dress did Vivien wear to the polo match in "Pretty Woman?"
5) In what film does a Hillary Duff character try to find mister right for her pastry-chef mother?
6) What song do Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus sing together in the movie "Hannah Montana?"
7) What type of car did every James Bond prior to Daniel Craig, drive in the 007 movies?
8) What actor saw dead people in "The Sixth Sense?"
9) In the Pink Panther film series, what was the Pink Panther?
10) Adam Banks was transfered to the Mighty Ducks from what team?


  1. Steve,
    1. Double Door
    2. Heart of Ocean
    3. MIT
    4. Brown

    As for the rest, I don't know!

  2. Hi. I'm thinking #8 is Bruce Willis. Not the little kid, right? (Not much on movie trivia).

  3. I'm at a loss on this post. Is #9 - a pink panther?

