Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kiva article

After reading Jen's article, I was struck by how she created an atmosphere of global connectedness and change in her classroom. I show Pennies for Change about microlending in Bangladesh when we study South Asia. It is so important to open the curriculum for the students so that they can access it in a meaningful way. Her curriculum decisions have taught children about AIDS, GDP, and small ways to make big differences in the world. She has done this in a math classroom with relatively young children.

I wish all of us had the vision, determination, and time to incorporate more curriculum like Jen did.


  1. I, too, thought her blog post was very inspiring. I also found the linked-to first post on that topic interesting -- it's useful to know that she didn't make all of this work so amazingly the first year; the first year it sounds like it was a great, inspiring project, but nowhere near as thoroughly thought-through as the second year. I am thinking of trying a very small version of this particular activity in my own classroom -- I've been interested in microlending for quite a while, and I have a particular student in mind who tunes out during Math but asks many questions with great energy about "real-world" topics that strike her interest.

  2. SLEHR, I bet the students are wishing the same thing you are wishing.

