Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Twitter #1

This article covered a list of technology sites including the top ones for 2009. Twitter was #1. Seems amazing for something that was only created back in 2006. However, it makes you wonder how quickly it will fall. What will be the next Twitter? And do some people ever get turned off by the saturation of technology. A friend on Facebook wants me to join Google Wave but I don't know that I have the time and energy to devote to yet another online site so I haven't investigated it. Perhaps on Thursday, I can set aside some time....

But back to Twitter, it still amazes me. I am not sure if I will continue to use it after this class. It seems like a place for people to create inbound buzz on their beliefs, policies, or businesses. I still don't know that I have the time to tweet just to tweet.


  1. P.S. If you want to see the article, you need to click on the title...

  2. Saw the article - interesting... not much one can even say in 140 characters!

  3. I see that people like Dennis are posting interesting links on Twitter. I just don't really foresee, during the school year, having time to go browsing through them. I tend to use the internet pretty purposefully -- I look for information and tools either for my own background or interest or to plan specific lessons, but I don't socialize online, and in general I only browse around if I started out doing readings for a course or a search for specific information. Twitter makes me want to say, "I'm not a filter feeder!" I feel like to get much out of Twitter, I'd have to spend a lot of time swimming around on the Net, just taking in everything that comes my way and sifting it for useful nuggets. While I certainly see that there's useful bits of information out there, on Twitter, I don't really think I have the time (or interest?) to find it in that manner.

  4. Twitter is the mechanism I used to develop a network of educators. I can also follow topics of interest at will: for example.

    Dennis Richards
