Thursday, December 3, 2009

Student Tech Assessment

Students in the 8th grade have been participating in an assessment of their technology skills based on the NETS standards. It is a 60 question test containing questions that range from appropriate online etiquette to how to carry out specific skills in Microsoft Office products.

The results are starting to come in, and they are not surprising to me, however, the students are surprised. On average, only 3 - 4 students per section (of 20 - 26 students) are receiving a passing score of 80 or above.

This goes back to my belief that students are good at what they do - Facebook, gaming, social networks, and therefor believe that they are proficient users of technology. However, when it comes down to the skills we have been working on in this class, they are not proficient or even aware of what these things are.

They were surprised by their scores and expressed that they believed they would do much better on it than they did. I told them that their goal would be to show improvement when we take the assessment again in the fall.

We are continuing to analyze the data that is coming in. The results will become useful for giving us direction for the future of our curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting story. Love to learn more. Can anyone see the 60 questions? When you have more data, will you post it?

    Dennis Richards
