Monday, December 28, 2009


I was reading Time magazine's person of the year issue which also included commentaries on many, many aspects of the first decade of this century. Along with my complete incredulity that Usain Bolt was one of the top five persons of the year, I was amazed by all of the technological advances, innovations and improvements during the last ten years!

According to Time the average person received 13, 505 emails in 2009. Wow. For some reason I'm guessing that the students we work with probably have sent one or two more than the average.

This also makes me wonder about the time devoted to email/downloading crap to our iwhatevers/research/projects/papers/grading, etc. We're continually placing blam on the lack of 'time' to complete things, yet I wonder what the 200 million people who signed up for Facebook last year were doing with their time.


  1. Interesting that you mention Facebook...Last night on one of the evening news, there was a segment on teens that claim to be addicted to Facebook. They have had to take steps to now limit their time on Facebook.

    Between the Time article and this segment, I was thinking back to the holidays. My teenage niece and nephew brought their laptops to my parents' house for dinner. They could not be "unplugged" for a few hours. Are we creating a generation that is addicted to texting, Facebook, and the like? How many hours will we spend on our digital footprint in 2010? Surely, it will increase (although e-mail may decrease). #i3cs21s09

  2. It's like TV; isn't it. We have to teach children to manage their use of technology. If we ignore our responsibility, we're also worthy of blame.

    It goes like this: "Turn off the computer and put away the cell phone. It's time to socialize f2f."
