Thursday, December 3, 2009

Creating a "symphony" for students

Susan and our librarian pointed out an interesting article in today's Boston Globe South section. It discussed a class of sixth graders who are writing poetry on a Wiki. The teacher describes the Wiki as an equalizer for students since "even the shiest [student] is empowered to post work on line and is participating in classroom exchanges." The teacher feels it is an "equalizer."

I found this article very interesting and I like the idea of getting more out of a shy student in this forum as well as teaching students that there is a use of words on line that isn't about Facebook postings and texting. However, I still want to see educators pushing the shy student to participate in classroom exchanges in person and to present because it is not realistic that students will never be interacting in person with others. We need to use the online forums as an additional tool not as a substitute tool for the activities that work in the classroom.


  1. Hi, FYI the Label or tag sb #i3cs21.

    The Article was an interesting example of a teacher using a wiki. The link I'd use to connect people to the article would be: I'd also suggest you embed the link in the text of the post rather than in the title. Here, for example: "an interesting article."

    Confidence comes in many forms, but once a student has it, it can spread if teachers nurture it.

  2. Dennis, why do you like links that are embedded in the text of the post better than those that are embedded in the title?

    I am thinking of using my class wiki as a place to collect and share examples of interesting leads. Using it as a place for kids to share poetry would also work well -- I've thought of having them share great similes and metaphors, to start with.


  3. @ dkinney - Putting links in the text of the blog post or other digital writing gives you more options (only one title) for sharing powerful connective knowledge with your readers.
