Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Digital Writer's Workshop

Jackie Gerstein of Boise, Idaho presented a talk about operating a digital writer's workshop. Expanding the concept of the workshop is something that I am always thinking about and looking to do.

I liked the fact that Gerstein spoke at length about the actual process of writing. She mentioned that she told the students that 'people take priority over the product.' This is a great sentiment, and one that I share. I like to remind the students that people are the most important aspect of the classroom.

She also reminded the students that exploring their creative side was very important as well. Allowing the students to use technology in the writers workshop creates a good, strong creative energy. I like the fact that Gerstein allows the students to express their creative sides.

Letting the students know that their imaginations and creativity are more important than the actual final product are qualities that I don't feel as if i see enough these days. Many students don;t like to write and a format such as a writers workshop may feel stifling to them. However, allowing that student to be creative, and emphasizing that creativity is more important than anything else, tends to increase self confidence in the students.

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