Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mixed feelings about Google Reader

My first experiences with Google Reader a few weeks ago were positive, but now I'm not so sure.  I was originally happy with the fact that all of the posts I wanted to read were in one place. This saved me some time not having to flip-flop between sites.  However, I am now finding that I think I prefer visiting specific blogs at specific times, not all at once.  For example,  if I am interested in seeing what Joe is up to in his Earth Science curriculum, I think I'll take the time to look solely at his site.  And if I want to find out what's new with my friend who moved to Ethiopia, I'll go to her blog when I have a minute.  But to see all of the diverse blogs in the same place isn't really working for me.  I also found that when I went back to Google Reader after a week (during which I did visit individual sites), there were many repeats that Google Reader had marked as new that I'd actually already seen.

I imagine that as I get more comfortable with this tool, I will find that there are ways around all of the problems I'm discovering, but in the meantime, is there anyone who has found features of Google Reader that they really enjoy that I might be missing?

Willing to give it another shot if encouraged......


  1. I'll let others comment on your question because you already know I am an active user and promoter of RSS aggregators or readers like Google Reader. What I will offer is two thoughts for you to consider.

    1) If I start at the blog and then go to Google Reader, I will see posts I have already read. If I start at Google Reader, however, I can see if the blogs have any new posts. Those that haven't added anything new I skip. If there are new posts, see my next comment.

    2) Since I am following more than a few blogs and other RSS sources, it is a lot easier for me to go to Google Reader and then decide whether or not I want to click the link to a particular post. Google Reader gives me the preview of the title and the post. I decide if you want to go to the blog to comment.

    It saves me time and, with the time I have, allows me to stay up to date on the blogs I follow.


  2. The whole idea of Google Reader is unappealing to me. I want to go to one place at a time, and read one thing at a time. The more entries that show up in one place, the more overwhelming it feels to me. I'd rather choose to only visit and see a small fraction of the sites that I might be interested in, at a time -- I'd rather risk missing things than have to deal with all of them at once.

