Tuesday, November 3, 2009

still trying

I am still trying to figure out how to add/alter my blog. I am now thinking I should just be putting my reflections on my learning there. I AM learning, just at my own much slower pace. I still feel a need to start all over. Have found a PT ning which I have joined. I have not posted anything because I am too nervous about confidentiality and how it has my full name/where I am from. Will continue to explore. I am very frustrated by having made a typo in diigo and it not responding to delete. My study group is the best but I still feel so lost. Will continue to try to untangle myself. Next on my agenda if I ever figure out this blog posting is google reader and i reader. I already have a google reader account but can't figure out more than that.

1 comment:

  1. Shelly-I think the more you explore these forms of communication the easier they will come to you! Good Luck!
