Tuesday, October 20, 2009

still struggling

I am trying hard to embrace this as a learning method but can't get over how paralyzed we then become when technology fails us. My computer has died and is off being repaired for a couple of weeks. I am now using my school computer which is pathetically slow so each task I do takes an incredibly long time....not conducive to time efficient learning. I know I will be very frustrated until my computer returns and I fear I will be so far behind at that point in time that I may never catch up. It's hard for me to get past the iceberg effect of technological failure and how we then are unable to do things "the old fashioned ways". Pencils never failed us like this.


  1. My recollection is that you are due to get your computer back this week. If that doesn't work out, can you use the library (at school or in your local community) computers until your computer comes back?


  2. Regarding pencils not failing: I had a similar feeling when I learned that at the high school they were installing interactive white boards OVER the existing whits boards. An interactive white board is a great tool, but it's way more likely to fail than a regular white board is. And, a regular white board is still a pretty good tool, and LOTS better than writing on the classroom wall! So, why couldn't they have installed the new technology on a side wall, and let people use both, instead of covering one thing up with the other?

    Good luck with your computer! (Comment to Dennis: If I had to go to the public library or do the exploratory work for this course at school, I'd pretty much have to drop the course. It takes a HUGE amount of time to explore and try things again and again and again until they finally work. With a child to pick up by 6:00 and school work to do up until then, I do most of my work for this course late at night or on the weekends. . . . Sorry, Shelley, maybe you didn't have anything like that reaction and I shouldn't be posting this here. I just think that with all the frustration I'm feeling doing this on a fast computer at home, it must be REALLY frustrating for anyone who has to do it on a slow computer or not at convenient hours of the day!! . . . I have a student whose family does not have a computer at home, and he has assured me that he can use one at the library if he needs to, but this makes me think, again, about being careful how much I ever ask him to do that. . .)
