Thursday, October 22, 2009

At a loss for words

My very first blog and I don't know what to say. I spend all day facilitating oral communication with sixth graders, yet I'm at a loss for words for this blog. Perhaps I could ruminate on the lack of social skills displayed appropriately by middle school students and the adventure I live everyday as interact and teach social skills. It seems as if everyone else is talking about technology. I'm drowning in technology terms and how to navigate and tag websites. I was enthused to see tutorials which would be my saving grace; however, I couldn't see what was on the screen. Lots of instructions, but no visuals. I guess I need to have auditory information supported by visual aids. My other plan to get up to speed in this class was to have have a personal tutorial with my youngest daughter when she was home from college for her fall break, but she ended spending the weekend sick with the flu. Today my computer was misbehaving. I'm hoping that practice in class today will shed some light on this dilemma that I find myself experiencing.


  1. Hmm. . . I just tried to post a comment to you, and the computer did not allow it. I'm going to send this, and if it goes through, I'll repost the real comment.

  2. OK, well, that worked. I wonder what the problem was a minute ago. That just about sums up my experience with these tools, though: Things seem to work or not work without my having any idea why, way too often! Like today, when I successfully learned how to highlight sections of articles using Diigo, and even to put sticky notes on them (Yay!), but then only some of the highlights actually showed up in the version of the article that appeared in my Diigo library. So strange. . .

    Anyway, what I had said originally was that I really enjoyed all helping each other out at our table in class, on Thursday. :-) Also, I was having the same problem as you describe with lack of video on the tutorials, and have since been able to solve it by uninstalling the old Flashplayer and following the prompt to install the new one. It turned out to be an easy process. I hope that this either works for you, too, or already has by the time you read this! :-)

  3. Good for you, Karen. Faced with a loss for words you found your voice and posted comments that invited comments from your classmates.

    The conversation and collegial support is evident on the blog.

    Thank you dkinney for all your thoughtful comments. Your comments are a nice model for the class.

