Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ride home to Mansfield?

Does anyone in the course drive to or through Mansfield to get home? I won't have a car on any of these Thursdays, and unfortunately the next train leaves pretty late. I live just off of Rt. 106 near the intersection of 95 and 140 (near the Mansfield train station). Anyone go anywhere near there? Any chance I could get a ride home with you, if you do? Thanks, if so!
- Diana Kinney


  1. Hi Dianna. I'm happy to offer you a ride home on Thursdays if you still need one. Don't go through Mansfield, but I don't live far (Mansfield Street in Sharon).

  2. Hi Dianna, I live in Mansfield....a bit closer than Susanne, on Winter Steet. I would be happy to take you home on Thusdays, sometimes that might involve picking up take out chinese on the way home! By the way, I was trying to do some blogging homework but can't yet figure out how, could only figure out how to post by hitting your comment section. Oh well, will keep trying.
